I am 22 years old and I became a Christian around the age of seven. I am currently a primary teacher in Perth. I grew up in Mozambique which ignited the passion I have to teach in third world and developing countries. I have wanted to work in Africa or South America since I was little. When I heard about this short term mission trip to Brazil I was very excited to apply. I have a heart for mission and I am enthusiastic to take this first step on what I hope to be a lifetime filled with works of mission. I cannot wait to see what God will teach me through this fantastic experience, both on the mission trip itself, but also over the next few months as we fundraise, pray and prepare.
I'm 17 and I'm just coming to end of the end of my last year of high school. Having grown up on the mission field God planted a desire of mission in my heart and this Brazil 2012 trip is the first step on that journey with God. Since the trip was announced i was excited and strongly felt that this trip was for me, so my name was first on the list and i can't wait to be out there and spreading Gods love and grace. I'm hoping that this trip will help me grow spiritually and that God will reveal his plan for me and the purpose my life has and the legacy that i will leave. Peace-out dudes!!